SE |


Check the Syllabus for more details.

Unit 1


Introduction, software life-cycle models, software requirements specification, formal requirements specification, verification and validation.

Unit 2

Software Project Management:

Objectives, Resources and their estimation, LOC and FP estimation, effort estimation, COCOMO estimation model, risk analysis, software project scheduling.

Unit 3

Requirement Analysis:

Requirement analysis tasks, Analysis principles. Software prototyping and specification data dictionary, Finite State Machine (FSM) models. Structured Analysis: Data and control flow diagrams, control and process specification behavioral modeling

Unit 4

Software Design:

Design fundamentals, Effective modular design: Data architectural and procedural design, design documentation.

Unit 5

Object Oriented Analysis:

Object oriented Analysis Modeling, Data modeling. Object Oriented Design: OOD concepts, Class and object relationships, object modularization, Introduction to Unified Modeling Language

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